Category Odds & Ends

3D Printer Club: Launch Announcement


[sc:3dclub-intro] The 3D Printer CLub was announced to day at an all-school meeting to great interest and enthusiastic applause! The promotional video was shown, and many of the scenes with 3D printed objects got oohs and ahs. The director of…


Google Eyes Bookmark


Here’s a cute google eyes bookmark we made for the kids. It’s a pretty quick print and would probably made a great 3d printer demo print. It was created entirely using OpenSCAD. You can find the STL here on thingiverse:…


3D Printed T10 Lamp Shade


Here’s a 3D printed T10 lamp shade that I designed and printed last night. A few weeks ago while searching for LEDs, I noticed an ebay listing for very inexpensive 12V automotive lamps that combine nine bright white LEDs. I…
