Category Odds & Ends

A Fox Family Came To Visit


Here are a few pictures of a gray fox and four pups that have been hanging out in back recently. The pups were a lot of fun to watch, and they stayed for an hour at least. They were *very* active…


Electronic Component Abbreviations


Here’s a list of common abbreviations for electronic components on circuit boards (PCBs). AE Aerial (antenna) B Battery BR Bridge rectifier C Capacitor D, CR Diode DSP Digital signal processor F Fuse FET Field effect transistor IC integrated circuit J…


Grasshopper Pirates Fanwear


If you happen to have a soccer team called the Grasshopper Pirates, then this fanwear is for you. If you don’t have a soccer team with that very specific and unusual name, then you might want to wear this stuff…


The Pied Piper’s Magic!


Come read the latest exciting release from JEF Press in this illustrated thriller by Jacob. “It’s a real page-turner!” exclaimed the author’s mother. “You’ll be on the edge of your seat until the surprise ending,” suggests his father. According to…


Rubber Band Gun


Okay, let’s get some parenting concerns out of the way first: I believe that a rubber band gun is probably one of the safest ways to teach a kid a bit about gun safety, partly because it actually shoots something…
