The goal was to crawl on the cheap, and what’s cheaper than popsicle sticks craft sticks and fishing line? Next we’ll wire up a 555 circuit so it can roam untethered, but until then, here’s how to make one of your…
In celebration of Independence Day here in the United States of America, here’s a great 10-minute narrated animation that reviews how the nation got to where it is today. Read the instructions, click the X, then click Play. Videos…
Use this worksheet to help teach your kids about some famous artists and their styles. There are eight artists featured on the first two pages, along with eight of their paintings, a photo, and some basic information about the artistic…
Here are 63 flashcards designed to help early readers learn groups of rhyming words. Each rhyme (often called rimes or phonograms) is shown on a different card, with a number of example words below. Work with the child to learn…
This flashcard set includes the 52 Dolch primer words (the second set of words) formatted for printing in portrait orientation on 3×5 index cards in both PDF and MS Word (*.docx) format. (They are among the most used words in…
Here are the 40 Dolch pre-primer words formatted for printing in portrait orientation on 10, 20 or 40 3×5 index cards in both PDF and MS Word (*.docx) format. These are among the most used words in the English language…
Download links and listings of the words covered by each set are listed below. Primary words are the words specifically taught (underlined) in the lesson. Secondary words may also be taught, but the student will likely learn them over time…