

theFrankes.com is the private blog site of the Franke families and includes a wide variety of content that is of interest to its members. Most of the content is made publicly available. Those pages that require a password to view are intended for family members only.



  1. hi i want to donate money for alibre parameter program
    please reply so i do you are still accepting money

    alternative email address [email hidden]

    thank andrew gray

  2. Hi Alex,

    I registered at the rack creation board, but never received the confirmation email. Could you please active my account ( Chris Martins ). Thanks.

    Good job on your varied activities!


    • I approved it for you. I wonder what happened to the confirmation email, though — I see a bunch of unconfirmed users in there, so I suppose I’ll have to re-test it to make sure it works properly… Thanks for the heads-up and let me know if you have any trouble!

  3. Awesome blog! I’m looking forward to trying my hand at the Mocha Syrup recipe.

    From what I can see, we share so many common interests we are like “twin brothers from different mothers!” I look forward to coming back later and reading more!

  4. Hi,
    I purchased plans for studio workstation #5… paid through Paypal, but upon completing the transaction, it just sent me back to the page with all the plans on it. I see no place to download the pdf file!

    • Hi Ralph,

      Thanks for contacting me. It looks like you already found it, but in case others have the same question, look for an email called “Order Confirmation & Detail.” (Sometimes these emails get swept up by spam filters.) This email contains a download link and password information for your order.

      Thanks, and please let me know if you have any trouble.

  5. Hello,

    I can not access the codecreations site.
    is the parameter program working for Alibre 2012 last version?
    best regards


    • Yes, the server that site was on was hacked really badly and I haven’t been able to recover it. I’m working on getting some of the content back out from backups, but I want to move it to a more secure system, and that’s taking some time. Regarding compatibility with AD 2012, I haven’t heard that it’s not working, but I haven’t been able to test it myself.

  6. Hi, I am interested in doing this project with a couple of high school kids. I can easily get all the supplies needed but i’m not the best programmer, would you mind contacting me for further info about how to program the chip?
    Thank you

  7. Hi,

    I need to know how many U-Boat postcards were published during WWI (1914-1918) in Germany. Just about U-Boat subject (including of course not just U-Boat images, but commanders too, crewmembers, sinkings, and all about this specific subject)
    Do you know how may were published, or in what book or magazine can I find this information? I just need the exact number of postcards in this subject.
    Thank you very much in advance.

  8. I’ve purchased your AD fonts program but only get error messages.

    In AD, I created a simple cube, activated a new sketch, click on your software, entered text, font type, transform, and click Import.

    The current error message I receive is:
    You must have a sketch or design plane selected.
    System.ApplicationException: Unable to contact AD sketch.
    at TextImageWizard. from Main.cmdImport_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    I’ve also selected a plane in the AD dropdown menu… with the same result.


  9. Hello, I want to “http://www.thefrankes.com/wp/?p=1703” The AMOY photos, you can send scanned copy to me? I am willing to pay the cost, $ 20. If the original photo is for sale, I am willing to pay $ 300, my mailbox is 8721700@qq.com, look forward to your reply, thank you ~

    • To whom it may concern, dear sharers of this homepage,

      I am in possess of a photoalbum showing photos of the SMS Gneisenau. My grandmother, to whom the album belonged, was born in Germany and came to Luxembourg in the early 1950s. The album may have belonged to a german marine who was on board of the Gneisenau. Everything is yet based on conjectures! Please send me an email-adress to which I could sent the digital copies of the photos mentioned above, in order to have more concrete an reliable information about this precious historic document.

      Thank you,

      Eric Bruch
      Leudelange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

  10. To whom it may concern, dear sharers of this homepage,
    > I am in possess of a photoalbum showing photos of the SMS Gneisenau.
    > My grandmother, to whom the album belonged, was born in Germany and
    > came to Luxembourg in the early 1950s. The album may have belonged to
    > a german marine who was on board of the Gneisenau. Everything is yet
    > based on conjectures! Please send me an email-adress to which I could
    > sent the digital copies of the photos mentioned above, in order to
    > have more concrete an reliable information about this precious
    > historic document.
    > Thank you,
    > Eric Bruch
    > Leudelange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

  11. Hi I ordered and payed for the plans in English version. (ITEM #STU-009). When I download it asks me for a password. What is that please ?

  12. Hallo,
    auf Ihrer seite steht, dass ihr Großvater die Bilder von der Gneisenau aufgenommen hat. Auf einem Basar in Hamburg fand ich ein Fotoalbum mit Bildern von dem Schiff aus der gleichen Zeit. Zum Teil die selben wie Ihre, zum anderen Teil welche die ich auf Ihrer Seite noch nicht gesehen habe. Beispielsweise badende Seeleute in einem selbstgebauten Pool an Deck des Schiffes. Eigentlich habe ich vor die Fotos in ein Museum zu bringen möchte nun jedoch Sie zunächst darauf aufmerksamm machen.

    Mit besten Grüßen, B. Rasch

  13. Hello,
    I send you this message because I’m creating a website where users will find many 3D designers creatives. Could you send me your email adresse so I can tell you more about the concept and our possible partnership?
    Here is my email : telecharger3D(at)gmail(dot)com
    Julien DAVID

  14. Hi,

    I am advising and helping primary schools with 3d printers but they are all too expensive. Your MOM shows, as I suppose allparts for a 3d printer?
    Which model? Where can I find a manual for assembling??

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    Errie [ the Netherlands]

  15. anbei der Anfang des Reisetagebuchs meines Grossvaters. Falls der Bericht für Ihre
    webseite von Interesse ist, würde ich sie Ihnen für eine Veröffentlichung zur Verfügung stellen. Weitere für Sie möglicherweise intereessante Teile der Lebenserinnerungen sind die Ausbildung bei der Marine ab Schjffsjunge, ein Bericht zum Gefecht zwischen Borkum und er Doggerbank sowie zur Überführung der Flotte nach Scapaflow.

    Dienst im Ostasien-Geschwader der kaiserlichen Marine in den Jahren 1910-1913
    III. Teil der Lebenserinnerungen des Oberbootsmannsmates Hermann Scheffler
    (geb. 30.12.1891 in Hergisdorf, Mansfelder Gebirgskreis – gest. 17.07.1953 in Halle/Saale)

    Im Sommer 1910 wurde ich auf den Panzerkreuzer Gneisenau kommandiert. Die Gneisenau fuhr im Flottenverband, gehörte zur I. Aufklärungsgruppe, die Besatzung war dem Admiral der Nordsee unterstellt. Nach dem Panzerkreuzer Blücher war Gneisenau mit seinen 8 – 21 cm, 5-15 cm, 20-8,8 cm 3,7 km und verschiedenen Gewehren Bestückung der größte und stärkste große Kreuzer. Die Gneisenau blieb noch bis zum Ende der Herbstmanöver im Flottenverband. Zur Kaiserparade in Danzig stellte unsere Schiffsbesatzung eine Ehrenkompanie, die an der Parade vor dem Kaiser teilnahm. Unser Schiff wurde nach der Parade aus dem Flottenverband entlassen, und nun fuhren wir als allein fahrendes Schiff nach Wilhelmshaven. In der Werft wurde das Schiff gründlich überholt und dann für das Kreuzergeschwader nach Ostasien ausgerüstet. Zur Vorsicht, daß sich nicht jemand anders sich für mich an Bord einschob, verzichtete ich auf meinen Urlaub. Unser Schiff war das erste, welches mit grauem Anstrich die Heimat verließ. Die Schiffe, die sonst nach dem Ausland fuhren, wurden immer weiß angestrichen. Mitte November bei schlechtem Wetter wurden wir in die neue Schleuse von Wilhelmshaven eingeschleust.

    Das Original des Textes ist in deutscher Einheitskursivschrift verfasst, eine Übertragung in lateinische Schrift liegt bis auf einige Unleserlichkeiten bei Eigennahmen vor.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Hartmut Becherer

    • So interesting! I should love to read more if there are diary entries for the voyage itself? My great great uncle played the tuba on this ship but we have no written information. Just an album and souvenirs from Japan.

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