Tag arduino

ESP8266 ADC Inconsistency Fixed


tl;dr The ESP-12F ADC pin appears to consistently read higher values at times when the processor is not as busy. I worked around this by taking the average of multiple reads, and discarding any averages where the number of samples…


Information for Maker Faire Attendees


Greetings Maker Faire North Carolina Attendees! It was fun speaking with many of you today. Here is a collection of links to bots and technologies that I spoke about: StickBot (the simple 6-legged walking robot) — the latest version, with schematics…


Sanguinololu 1.3a Soldering Notes


A couple of people have noticed this, so I thought I’d write it up. There’s nothing wrong — it’s just something to be aware of if you’re soldering up a Sanguinololu 1.3a PCB. If you look closely at the circuit…


J&M SCR Robot Test-drive


He we’re test-driving the our latest robot creation for the first time. It’s the boy’s design and made mostly of wood. The tires are o-rings, and there’s a 12V AA batter pack sandwiched between the two pieces of plywood. The…
