Greetings Maker Faire North Carolina Attendees! It was fun speaking with many of you today. Here is a collection of links to bots and technologies that I spoke about:
StickBot (the simple 6-legged walking robot)
- StickBot V2.0 - Untethered! — the latest version, with schematics and video.
- StickBot: A Simple 6-Legged Walker — the original version, with video and code.
- StickBot - Building the Right Eye — a demonstration of soldering one of the timer circuits.
SphereBot (the bot that draws onto ping pong balls, eggs, etc)
- The original spherebot, with schematics and software link:
- My modified endplate and electronics design:
- The other printable parts:
Other links:
- The $13 RBBB Arduino-compatible contr0ller I used for my spherebot:
- A ready-to-use USB-UART TTL converter:
- A $3 USB-UART TTL alternative that includes the DTR pin broken out: (links to ebay)
- My page on Thingiverse, where you can find lots of my desings: