iPhone Presence across VLANs with Home Assistant, Synology, and MQTT


I’m using connections to my home network to indicate presence of family members primarily using the Ping (ICMP) integration, but with this method, iPhones frequently “go offline” because they don’t respond to these pings when trying to safe power. The iPhone Detect integration is great, but it only works if the iPhones are on the same network as the Home Assistant device, which presented a problem in my environment.

The Environment

Here’s what I’m working with:

  • Home Assistant OS on Raspberry Pi 4b, on VLAN 1.
  • Android and iPhone phones on VLAN 2.
  • Synology DSM NAS
  • Synology SRM Router

The Solution

The NAS will host a python script that is schedule to run frequently using cron. The script will

  • Read a configuration setting in MQTT to get a list of IP addresses that require UDP pinging (these are the iPhone IP addresses), and send a simple message to each of those devices.
  • Connect to the router using SSH (the default admin account is not required for this) and download/parse the ARP table to get a list of currently connected IP addresses. The iPhones pinged above should appear on this list.
  • Post a list of connected IP addresses to a different MQTT topic.
  • Create an MQTT sensor that checks if a given IP address is listed in this topic.

This solution gets around the need for all iPhones to be on the same network as Home Assistant because the router’s ARP table provides visibility across all VLANs.

Setting Up Python on the Synology DSM

Some tips can be found at these sites: https://kb.synology.com/en-nz/DSM/tutorial/Set_up_Python_virtual_environment_on_NAS, and additionally at https://jackgruber.github.io/2021-06-27-install-pip-on-synology/, https://synoguide.com/2023/01/21/install-and-use-python-3-9-in-your-synology/, and https://www.sindastra.de/p/2290/how-to-install-python-pip-on-synology-nas

SSH into the DiskStation and then the process should look something like this: (ImaUser is a fake username.)

cd /volume1/homes/ImaUser/scripts/python3
python3 -m venv ha-presence
cd ha-presence
source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install paramiko paho-mqtt

The Code

Consider hardening this so your password isn’t just dangling out there in plaintext. Drop the code into that same virtual environment that you just created above.

import subprocess
import shlex
import socket
import paramiko
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time 
import re
import logging
from datetime import datetime 

# Uncomment this for more detailed debugging info 
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

# MQTT broker configuration
mqtt_broker = ""  # Replace with your MQTT broker address
mqtt_port = 1883
mqtt_username = "mqtt_user"
mqtt_password = "my mqtt password"
mqtt_timeout = 2  # Wait this many seconds for the subscription callback. It should be immediate unless fresh installation
pre_ping_topic = "arp_presence/config/pre_ping"
connected_topic = "arp_presence/connected"
updated_topic = "arp_presence/updated"

# SSH server configuration
ssh_server_ip = ""  # Replace with the router ssh serer IP address
ssh_username = "router_user"
ssh_password = "my router password"

# Pre-ping configuration-- who gets pinged and at what ports 
pre_ping_addresses = []
pre_ping_port = 5353

# Function to connect via SSH and retrieve connected IP addresses from the server ARP table 
def retrieve_connected_ips(mqtt_client):
        # Connect to the SSH server
        logging.info(f"Connecting to SSH server...")
        ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        ssh_client.connect(ssh_server_ip, username=ssh_username, password=ssh_password)

        # Fetch the ARP table
        logging.info(f"Fetching the ARP table...")
        stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command("arp -a")
        arp_table = stdout.read()
        logging.debug(f"ARP table: {arp_table}")

        # Regex to capture both the IP and the MAC address. It's only connected if both are there. 
        mac_pattern = re.compile(r"\((?P<ip>(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})\) at (?P<mac>[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:[:-][0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5})")
        connected_ips = [match.group('ip') for match in mac_pattern.finditer(arp_table.decode())]

        logging.debug(f"Connected IP addresses:")
        for ip in connected_ips:

        if mqtt_client.is_connected():
            logging.info(f"Publishing connected IP addresses to MQTT...")
            mqtt_client.publish(f"{connected_topic}", ' '.join(connected_ips), retain=True)
            mqtt_client.publish(f"{updated_topic}", datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), retain=True)

            logging.warning(f"MQTT client not connected. Unable to publish IP addresses.")

    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")

        # Close the SSH connection
        logging.info(f"SSH connection closed.")

# Callback function for when subscribed messages are received 
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    # The only configuration topic we care about 
    if ( msg.topic == pre_ping_topic ): 
        global pre_ping_addresses
        pre_ping_addresses = msg.payload.decode().split()
        logging.debug(f"Received IP addresses to pre-ping: {pre_ping_addresses}")
        logging.debug(f"Received an unexpected and unsupported toopic: {msg.topic}")

# Create MQTT client and set the message callback 
mqtt_client = mqtt.Client()
mqtt_client.on_log = lambda client, userdata, level, buf: logging.debug(f"MQTT Log: {buf}")
mqtt_client.on_message = on_message

# Connect to MQTT broker and subscribe to the appropriate topics
mqtt_client.username_pw_set(username=mqtt_username, password=mqtt_password)
mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_broker, mqtt_port, 60)

# Start the MQTT loop to listen for 10 seconds or until both the pre-ping and the tracked addresses are received 
start_time = time.time()

    while not pre_ping_addresses and time.time() - start_time < mqtt_timeout:

    # Only do the pinging if there are pre-ping addresses to ping 		
    if not pre_ping_addresses:
        logging.warning(f"Nothing to ping. The topic '{pre_ping_topic}' is missing or never responded.")
        # Send UDP messages to pre-ping IP addresses. iPhones should show up in the ARP table after this. 
        logging.info(f"Sending UDP messages...")
        for ip in pre_ping_addresses:
            with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as udp_socket:
                udp_socket.sendto(b"ping", (ip, pre_ping_port ))
                #logging.debug(f"Sent 'ping' message to {ip}")

    # Retrieve connected MAC addresses over SSH

    # Disconnect from MQTT broker
    logging.info(f"Disconnected from MQTT broker.")

The Scheduled Task (cron job)

In the Synology task scheduler, create a task that calls this script as often as you like.

source "$VENV_DIR/bin/activate"
python3 "$VENV_DIR/iphone_presence.py"

Some Important Points

  • The ARP table on my Synology RT6600ax lists is formatted so that a connected device can be found by matching something like “( at 01:23:45:67::89:ab”
  • Passwords shouldn’t be in plaintext like this, so generate a key pair, copy it to the server, and connect to SSH using the key file.


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