Apparently this new version is a lot better at math, so I tested it out with some simple calculations. Here’s how that went:

This is pretty straightforward. A 3.65″ diameter is a circumference of about 11.5″, and that distance 1,750 times is 20,125 inches per minute, or 511 meters per minute, or about 8.5 m/s. GPT gets 50.29m/s — maybe it was confused by my typo?

To this I asked, “Is that formula right?” and it “corrected” the formula as follows to get the same answer. Note that is just switched the order of the two factors in the denominator.

I tried a different, more direct approach. One revolution covers 2π radians, so that’s about 11,000 radians per minute, or 183 radians per second .

I asked again if the formula was right. It apologized, said it would correct the formula, and repeated the same thing again with the same answer. To be fair, the formula is correct — it’s just the math that’s a bit wonky.

I asked “Are you sure your math is right?” and it doubled down.

I pointed out exactly where I thought the mistake was, and it doubled down with the same answer again, just moving the mistake.

I pinpointed the new mistake and tried again, and it moved the mistake again in order to come up with the same answer.

Finally I challenged its math skills and it came up with the right answer.

…and finally